Defining Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)

MTSS is a cohesive framework used to align and organize district resources with a focus on meeting optimal educational outcomes for each student. It includes a continuum of evidence-based, system-wide practices to support a timely response to academic and social-emotional needs. It is not a stand-alone initiative or program but rather an organizational framework. In the world of education, our understanding of how to best support each and every learner has come a long way.  Previously, the educational paradigm focused on categorizing students as either typically developing or at-risk, often segregating them into distinct categories of general education or special education. However, it is now evident that we can better address the needs of all students by offering a progressive continuum of services that spans both general and special education, leading to more effective, efficient, and ethical educational practices.

The Minnesota Department of Education has adopted a model of MTSS that guides the practical implementation for all districts.  Minnesota MTSS (MnMTSS) is a systemic, continuous improvement framework for ensuring positive social, emotional, behavioral, developmental, and academic outcomes for every student.

The MTSS framework at Rochester Public Schools has 5 core components:

  1. Infrastructure for Continuous Improvement

  2. Collaborative Linked Teams

  3. Multi-layered Practices and Support

  4. Assessment

  5. Data-Based Decision Making

Jill Dunn

Jill Dunn

Coordinator of Multi-Tiered System of Supports
Office of Academics

507.328.4490 | Email