Coordinator of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Office of Academics
507.328.4490 | Email
The overarching aim of this multi-tiered framework is to provide a continuum of high-quality instruction and resources tailored to individual student needs. As students' needs intensify, the level of instruction and support also increases, ensuring that each student achieves rigorous and meaningful learning benchmarks. Rochester Public Schools offers multi-layered instructional services structured into three tiers. Each intensifying tier of instruction and support are offered to a student in addition to high-quality, tier 1 core instruction. The first tier encompasses universal core instruction, the second tier provides strategic support, and the third tier offers intensive support. It's important to note that these tiers pertain to the levels of support provided to students rather than categorizing students themselves.
Students may receive varied intensity of instructional support across different content areas. For example, a student may receive Tier 1, universal core instruction in reading and more intensive, Tier 3 instruction in math. Movement between tiers of instruction is based on student needs and data. Elevation to higher tiers of instruction indicates an opportunity for additional intensive and tailored support to enhance skill development, while movement down tiers reflects progress and the ability to succeed with less intensive support.
Coordinator of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Office of Academics
507.328.4490 | Email