Information Technology Pathway

The Associate in Applied Science (AAS) in Information Technology (IT) program is designed to provide students with skills to meet information technology needs across industries. This program includes instruction in the principles of computer hardware components and business software, programming, databases, networking, web development, information systems, and project management.

Curriculum Requirements

Students enrolled in P-TECH 535’s Information Technology pathway will take courses at their associated high school that fulfill graduation requirements such as social studies, science, physical education, and fine arts.

With the P-TECH 535 cohort, IT Pathway students will take P-TECH literacy and numeracy in years 1 and 2 that will meet English and math requirements, in addition to a Workplace Experience course embedded in the learning block that will prepare them for internships and the workplace.

In years 3 and 4, IT Pathway students will take courses at RCTC that include Computer Science Concepts, Mobile Application Development, and Algorithms and Data Structure, for example. Students will also choose from a variety of elective options tailored to their career interests.

Young Man working on ethernet switch

Career Opportunities

Young Programmers gathered around a computer analyzing code

Informational Technology graduates work in a variety of roles such as: web application developer, database administrator, network engineer, IT support specialist, systems analyst, computer security specialist and hardware or software test specialist.

Future career steps may include leading a team of computer specialists, managing complex technical projects, becoming an IT Architect or Consultant and/or earning an advanced degree (bachelors or masters).

Download a printable information sheet on the P-TECH 535 Information Technology Pathway.