Rules on the Bus

Safety is a primary concern in transporting students. Safety on school buses is the shared responsibility of students, parents, school staff, bus contractors, and bus drivers.

Rules on the bus

Parents and guardians should read and explain these rules to their children. We ask for your cooperation in helping us provide a safe and pleasant ride for all students by teaching your children the importance of bus safety and courtesy at the bus stop and on the bus.

Discipline Procedures

If a student does not follow the rules on the bus, the driver will try to resolve the problem as explained in the “Rules on the Bus” section. The driver may assign a seat to the student. If the driver cannot obtain cooperation from the student, he/she will file a discipline report. Telephone conversations and/or written notification will be made to the student and parent/guardian(s) concerning all reports. 

Consequences for school bus/bus stop misconduct will apply to all regular and late routes. Decisions regarding a student’s ability to ride the bus in connection with co-curricular and extracurricular events (for example, field trips or competitions) will be at the sole discretion of the School District. Parents or guardians will be notified of any suspension of bus privileges.

Notice: School bus and bus stop rules and consequences for violations of these rules will be reviewed with students annually and copies of these rules will be made available to students. School bus rules are to be posted on each school bus.

For level of offense, please refer to the Student Behavior Handbook.

Other Discipline

Based on the severity of a student’s conduct, more serious consequences may be imposed at any time. Depending on the nature of the offense, consequences such as suspension or expulsion from school also may result from school bus/bus stop misconduct.

Dangerous or destructive offenses will result in suspension of busing privileges. The length of the suspension will be determined by the degree of the offense.

Students damaging school buses will be responsible for the damages. Failure to pay such damages (or make arrangements to pay) within two weeks may result in the loss of bus privileges until damages are paid.

Records of school bus/bus stop misconduct will be forwarded to the individual school building and will be retained in the same manner as other student discipline records. Reports of student misbehavior on a school bus or in a bus-loading or unloading area that causes an immediate and substantial danger to the student or surrounding persons or property will be provided by the School District to the Department of Public Safety in accordance with state and federal law.

In cases involving criminal conduct (for example, assault, weapons, drug possession, or vandalism), the appropriate School District personnel and local law enforcement officials will be informed.

Video and Audio Taping

School buses are equipped to video/audio tape bus rides. The video cameras will be used to help monitor the school-bus rides to discourage and detect unsafe and inappropriate behavior. Cameras will also be used as a tool for driver training and safety education for children.

Bus Lighting System

State law requires motorists to stop for school buses displaying flashing red lights and a stop signal arm. Flashing amber lights are a warning that the bus is preparing to stop. Flashing red lights show that the bus has stopped.  Motorists must stop regardless of the direction of travel.

School buses in ISD 535 use the stop arm when students cross the road or when the bus cannot get out of the lane of traffic.