Director of Research and Improvement
Office of Academics
Email Peter Wruck
Research and Improvement
The Research and Improvement department coordinates the district’s efforts to develop evidence and continue to innovate. It houses the district's original research program to improve student success outcomes, a balanced assessment program and supports teachers and administrators in the use of data to monitor the success of each and every student, a system of evaluation for programs and services across the district, data warehouse management, and coordination of innovation efforts including Deeper Learning.
Evidence and Improvement Program
Rochester Public Schools undertakes research projects internally on a continual basis. We analyze quantitative and qualitative data to determine the means of improving student learning. Our work is original knowledge production that can be used by audiences beyond RPS. Building on these local findings alongside peer-reviewed research, we develop and deploy innovative strategies to boost student success.
Assessment Program
Districtwide assessments are generally short tests given to students to identify what skills they may need to develop further. Typically, these assessments are standardized across the country to provide powerful comparison opportunities. They are used to measure student progress toward meeting grade-level standards, predict performance on state accountability tests, triangulate data for support decisions, and identify relative strengths and weaknesses in district curriculum and instruction practices to inform professional development and curriculum resource decisions.
Public Information Requests
All public records requests under the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA, Minn. Stat. Chapter 13) originate with this office. Please submit requests via email to Peter Christopherson. Please include as much pertinent information as possible in your request. Response times and associated costs, if any, will vary depending on the nature and breadth of the request.
Requests to Conduct or Recruit For Research
If you are interested in conducting a research project in or recruiting research participants from the district, regardless of whether district personnel will administer the research or recruitment, you are required to complete an online request form to start the process. Researchers may not recruit students, staff, and families through Rochester Public Schools physical and electronic resources without a signed letter of approval prior to beginning the project.
Peter Wruck, Ph.D.
Sandy Roeder
District Assessment Coordinator
Office of Academics
Email Sandy Roeder
Gretchen Ocasio
Coordinator of Project Management
Office of Academics
Email Gretchen Ocasio
Peter Christopherson
Data Clearinghouse Manager
Office of Academics
Email Peter Christopherson
Mark Miles
Deeper Learning Coordinator
Office of Academics
Email Mark Miles