Director of Multilingual Learning
(507) 328-4214 | Email Natalia Benjamin
Multilingual Learning
The Multilingual Learning Program serves a very diverse group of students. There are currently 2,090 multilingual students, which is about 11% of the total student population. These students speak more than 80 languages and dialects. Our largest groups are refugees or descendants of former refugees, migrants or settled migrants, and long-term medical visitors.
Our Multillingual Learning team’s mission is to collaborate and advocate to inspire, challenge, and empower Multilingual Learners as they develop their social and academic English language while developing and sustaining their multicultural identities." the teachers worked together to update some of the language.
Multilingual Learner Identification
As part of the registration process, Minnesota requires all families to complete the Minnesota Home Language Survey. MN Standardized English Learner Procedures
If a family indicates a language other than English on the language survey, the family is directed to the EL Registrar. The EL Registrar gives the student the WIDA Screener (grades 1-12), an English language proficiency test. The results from this assessment determine the student’s English Language Proficiency level and if the student would benefit from EL services. If EL services are deemed appropriate and parents’ consent, the student will receive these services at the school site from an EL teacher. If the student is a kindergartner, the site EL teacher will assess the student’s English language proficiency using the WIDA MODEL, a developmentally appropriate English language assessment for kindergartners. The results of this assessment will assist in determining if the child will benefit from English Learner services. RPS ML/EL Student Identification Process
Each year, parents receive a Notification of EL Services letter in the mail. This letter explains the program and the types of EL services available to their child. If a parent wishes to refuse EL services, a meeting should be set up at the school site. This meeting will discuss the needs of the child. Parents must complete a Refusal of Services form in order to stop EL services every year.
Natalia Benjamin
Bryon Bothun
Bilingual Coordinator and EL Registrar
(507) 328-4237 | Email Bryon Bothun
Language Instruction Education Program (LIEP) - EL Services
RPS provides the following EL Services to Multilingual Students who meet the entrance criteria described above. Service models are specific to grade levels and the student's language proficiency. Below you will find a short description of our services. If you have any questions, please contact your student's ML teacher at their school or the Director of Multilingual Learning.
Exiting the Multilingual Learning Program
When a student has met the EL Exit Criteria, the student will be reclassified and will no longer receive EL services. Parents will be notified of this reclassification. Students will continue their education in the regular mainstream classrooms. Students who receive Special Education services may meet Exit Criteria based on additional factors per Minnesota Standardized English Learner Procedures for English Learners with Disabilities.