What is SpeakUp for Safety?
RPS uses SpeakUp for Safety as a tipline for our students and staff members to share their concerns about bullying, suicide, self-harm, drug or alcohol abuse, school violence, and other safety concerns. SpeakUp is safe and confidential and is available to RPS staff and students 24/7.
How does SpeakUp work?
After contacting SpeakUp, students and staff will receive an automated reply assuring them that their concern has been received. This email will also include a phone number unique to RPS for anonymous calls and text messages so students and staff can follow up.
SpeakUp is unlike typical tiplines because the emails or text messages sent to SpeakUp are reviewed immediately and easily verified by our small team of six select RPS administrators. This allows the team to decide how to take action and gives students the confidence to express their concerns without feeling like they are getting themselves or their peers in trouble. Most students and some staff worry about reporting incidents because they don’t want to draw unnecessary attention to themselves or the situation at hand. With SpeakUp, students and staff can report concerning situations with confidence that they will remain anonymous and the situation will be dealt with in the best way possible.