Peachjar for Community Organizations
RPS wants families to know about District-approved community programs and resources offered by organizations like yours! Peachjar charges a fee for this service, which is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver paper flyers. There are many additional benefits to using Peachjar—clickable buttons that take parents directly to your website, flyer performance reports, and not to mention the time saved driving school to school! We only post a flyer to Peachjar once; this avoids any type of repeated information. It also prompts parents to view every email from Peachjar, knowing that new information is always provided.
Please note that PeachJar flyers for RPS are distributed each Wednesday. Please plan accordingly.
How to Register a Flyer:
Rochester Public Schools only distributes flyers in compliance with our School Board Policies. Please complete the following steps to receive approval.
Visit www.peachjar.com
Register as an Enrichment Provider (account type)
Upload your flyer for approval
There is a charge. Each location is registered as 5 points, 5 points usually runs about $35. The more schools you pick, the less the cost per school. To better understand the cost, you can go to peachjar.com and select “Program Providers.” Once you are on that page, scroll down until you see “How Much Does It Cost To Use Peachjar?” and click “View Pricing.” This page includes a credit calculator where you can receive a quote based on your entry. If your event or program is free with no enticement or encouragement for future fees, you may be eligible to post for free. Please contact PeachJar at 858.997.2117 to see if you qualify.